Sen-D Singing Crew [MoM]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
50 posts
part of
TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Sen-D Singing Crew [MoM]
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2024 10:25:54 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

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, ,

I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


Bella'd practically been jumping excitedly, even without any regard for the fact that she had NO IDEA who she was singing with, between the three strangers, one of them being some old dude, the other some guy who liked like he fit better in a baseball team or with like a trucker hat on or something, some highschooler gal who probably got swept up in the hype and dragged along for the show.[break][break]

Whether it was hopelessly blind, naive optimism, genuine foolhardy stupidity, or true confidence that they'd knock it out of the park, none of the three alongside Bella would be able to tell. She'd nonetheless ushered them together, "we've SO got this, er--" she'd blanked for a moment staring at the faces of the three strangers, "right, riiiiiiight, uh, je m'appelle-- wait no, Bella, call me Bella," she'd said with a smile, "I'm something of a streamer, so I'm like dripping with that rizz, we've got this."[break][break]

She'd given the three a confident thumbs up, her Sprigatito and Litten escaping their poké balls to sit atop her shoulder, seeming to try and vouch for the quirky brunette's confidence.


Round 1 - EXCITED

We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki

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May 1st
6'3" height
6'3" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
balor sen DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @balorsen
balor sen
Sen-D Singing Crew [MoM]
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 3:46:44 GMT
balor sen Avatar
Balor was walking around with Liber, trying to enjoy one of his only days off from work, his walk accompanied by his cane. He didn't really listen to music all that much, but it seemed that Liber was interested in looking around, and both of his pokemon seemed to enjoy the festivities as well. He was just interested in finally taking a breath of relief after all that was going on. That WAS the case, until he was pulled into one of the main events due to some internet entertainer or something like that? He wasn't really sure.

What he WAS sure of was that this was a way to get the Sen-D Cleaning Crew's name out there on the net that wasn't just through taking jobs via their website. And thus, he was pulled into doing at least this for the company. He had studied music before as a one off thing when he was looking into his choice of careers, so this should be easy, right? Yet, there was a major problem. Aside from Liber, he didn't know any of the other people here. Some sort of overactive hyper girl and another girl, a student it looks like.

The overactive one introduced herself as Bella, and then said some words that probably did not belong in the bible. "I'm Balor, Balor Sen. It's nice to meet you all. I'm sure this performance will be alright, good or bad... That being said, what ARE we singing?"

Balor would offer a bow as his right hand was placed over his heart and his left repositioning his cane.

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He / Him
october 29th
5'8 height
5'8 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
9 posts
liber sen DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @libersen
liber sen
Sen-D Singing Crew [MoM]
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 22:26:05 GMT
liber sen Avatar

This was sick as hell! Music filled the air and there were tons of stands with music themed products to check out. Finally, a day away from the sounds of dump trucks, construction equipment and the like. Even Balor looked like he was having a good time, even if he had the same old stoic face. Right as he was about to suggest they try ANOTHER street food stand, Liber and Balor were seemingly whisked away to join a main event. Liber hadn't a single clue on how to sing, nor did he have a lick of musical knowledge, but what he did have was heart. Hopefully, this would be enough.

In the room was his brother, some high school girl and another girl who could probably do backflips with her excitement. So, Liber thought it best to match that energy, get everyone pumped. "Yo, name's Liber. First thing I wanna say is, whatever we do, we're gonna crush it, no problem, as long as y'all give it your best." He then dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a tiny harmonica, something he used to entertain his pokemon on long car rides or breaks. "I can even play a killer harmonica, if y'all wanna hear"


Round 1 - Excited
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she / her
june 1
mossdeep city
oh nyo
I promise I'll never forget
4 posts
part of
TAG WITH @hitomi
hitomi yukimura
Sen-D Singing Crew [MoM]
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 10:43:42 GMT
hitomi yukimura Avatar
[attr="class","ltrhead ltrhead-dark"]

[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for [break]

[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]Rise up into my world[break] Renew your definition


This music fest is probably a once in a lifetime experience, but she wonders if she should reconsider her involvement with this group. If she were caught saying the same things that this lady said, she'd probably become one of those corridor topics for a few hot months. Not exactly ideal, considering that almost everyone knew each other in her prim and proper private school.[break][break]

"Well... we can sing whatever comes to mind, I guess?" At the very least, every one here seems nice and encouraging! Ignoring the unholy words spewed by Bella, Liber is right in that this ragtag team will be fine as long as they try their best. "As long as it's not too complicated, I can play some accompaniment on the piano to help!"[break][break]


Round 1 - Calm


[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick

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played by


October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
50 posts
part of
TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Sen-D Singing Crew [MoM]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 10:09:20 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #9e552e;[/newclass]

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, ,

I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


Despite Bella's typically lackadaisical charm, as it somehow miraculously turned out, the streamer actually had something in her to back up her confidence, even if she did nearly trip over a cable heading on stage with the Singing Crew, while she couldn't play an instrument for shit, she'd actually been a surprising natural when it came to her voice, somehow.[break][break]

The first piece that she'd very heavily insisted on had, for all intents and purposes been a rather practiced song of the girl's, a secret she'd take to the grave with her in all honesty, a song she'd practiced in a solo karaoke session that she'd do pretty much every week, ignore how depressing that might sound. The song Bella had requested had been... from a video game, one that she sucked terribly at, but had a secret obsession with the music for.[break][break]

Practically rocking out and singing her heart out, her lower somewhat more gravelly voice garnered from nights of bad habits and life decisions had let her manage much lower pitches to match the original singer's for the few in the crowd who might recognise it, and even without that, she'd been surprisingly good at shifting her pitch naturally.[break][break]

At some point the Singing Crew'd be able to get the crowd to match them, straight up joining in on the chorus after a couple go arounds. Bella'd had a good time all her own, at the least, throwing out fist pumps as she sang.



We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki


it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP